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The TrendS


French and American clothing styles vary and mirror the fashion perspectives within these cultures.


The Parisian designers perceive their rivals as merely sportswear creators lacking sophistication and refinement. On the other hand, the American designers have described the French as rigid, old-fashioned, and dull. While both styles possess unique allure and attributes, they diverge in key aspects, adding an intriguing element to both  American or French fashion trends.


Tonight, bring it in your designated American or French Fashion Trend.


- BQUID - From America to France come dress as a Flight Attendant 

- JR. (FQ) - Dress as French Prep School Student

- Pretty Girl (FQ) - Dressed as the classic American Cheerleader 

- (FQ) - Dressed for the red carpet for the Battle of Versailles show


1 point for each winner  

plus 5 points & $200 for Overall Winner



- Trans Man- In a pair of Classic American Denim Jeans 

- School Boy (BQ) - Dress as French design school student

- Pretty Boy (BQ) - From America to France come dress as a Flight Attendant 

- Thug (BQ) - Dressed for the red carpet for the Battle of Versailles show

- Executive - CEO of a fashion house, come Sleek and Stylish with Class with the Parisian’s favorite coat; The Trench Coat 

- Everyday - Dressed as security for Battle of Versailles attendees.


1 point for each winner  

plus 3 points & $200 for Overall Winner

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